Indo-American Psychiatric Association

Duties*of President

Term = 2 years. 

1)    The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the IAPA. President is responsible for the overall growth and progress of the IAPA.

  •   Collaborate wherever necessary with APA  leadership
  •   Collaborate wherever necessary with  other medical organizations in the US
  •   Collaborate wherever necessary with international  leaders in psychiatry

2)    President must read the constitution and Bylaws prior to making any appointments

3)    President must pass on the balance of funds available to the incoming president at the end of the annual meeting when his/her term ends.

4)     President with the help of the EC must develop a budget which will stay within the available funds as the seed money cannot be touched.

5)    President is responsible for the newsletter. This should be distributed to all IAPA members

6)     President is responsible for creating the different award committees and making sure that the awards are announced by the end of January.

7)    Provide supervision & guidance to the EC members whenever necessary

8)    Oversee arrangements made by the president-elect/secretary  regarding the annual conference

9)    Be available to the  Executive Committee (EC) to discuss and work out urgent  issues

10) On the conference day, the President is in overall charge of the business meeting. Duties including delivering the welcome & presidential address and conducting the award ceremony.

11) Organize and run effectively two face-face EC meetings (usually on a weekend both Saturday & Sunday) at the home of the IAPA president. These meetings are usually in August/September and March/April

12) Organize and run effectively monthly telephone meetings.

13) President is responsible for getting BOT approval on financial matters above and beyond day to day running of IAPA

14) President holds one face to face meeting and one meeting with APA president elect

15) May need to step-in and take over some of the duties of  other EC members if they are unable to perform

*These duties are subject to change based on change in goals & needs of the IAPA.