Indo-American Psychiatric Association
Membership Level change

You have selected the Member-in-Training membership level.


IAPA defines an individual of Indian Descent/Heritage as someone who was a citizen of India
prior to coming to the USA or Canada, or if not a Citizen of India, at least one parent or
grandparent is/was Citizen of India as defined by Government of India at any time in life.

Post-graduate physicians of Indian descent/heritage (as defined above) who are in an approved psychiatric residency or fellowship training program in the United States or Canada. Medical graduates of US and Canadian Medical schools, of Indian descent/heritage currently residing in the USA or Canada. Medical graduates of Foreign medical schools approved by ECFMG and World Federation for Medical Education, of Indian descent/heritage, currently residing in the USA or Canada and awaiting entry into a US or Canadian residency training program.

The price for membership is $5.00

Membership expires after 2 Years.

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